While there are several methods to import GPX/KML into Gaia GPS, many users find it convenient to bring in files via Dropbox. Check out these freshly updated help articles for…
Gaia GPS
You can now plan a “hybrid” trip that mixes snap-to-trail and straight-line segments on gaiagps.com. While you could create each of these route types separately before, you couldn’t combine them.…
Nathan joined Gaia GPS in October 2016 as a part of the Communications Team, to support Gaia GPS users and write technical documentation. Nathan has a deep background in modern…
September brought a number of improvements to gaiagps.com. You can see the full release notes for September on the updates website, and you can also pop over to updates.gaiagps.com anytime…
From Dispatch to Planning On June 13, 2016, three fire departments responded to a technical rescue in the Wood River Fire & Rescue service area in Idaho. The patient had…
GaiaPro users can overlay base maps with worldwide contour lines in either feet or meters for additional context. You can layer the contours with any source, but will probably find…
Now available to GaiaPro subscribers, MapBox Satellite Imagery with no labels offers a cleaner map view than the version with labels—perfect if you plan to layer the source with other…
We’ve made it easier than ever to use your Gaia GPS tracks to update OpenStreetMap (OSM). Sending missing trails to OSM previously involved multiple steps. Now, you can push…
Check out gaiagps.com for a completely redesigned folders interface, which enables hierarchical drilldown, search, and multi-select edit features for folder contents. To top it off, folders also now show cumulative…
Similar to USGS Topo maps, SwissTopo provides beautiful handmade cartography and fine detail. These maps of Switzerland are perfect for hiking, skiing, and planning trips in the Alps. SwissTopo features…