We’re thrilled to announce the release of a new, searchable, worldwide database of hiking routes across the Gaia GPS apps and website. The feature, called Hike Search, allows you to…
Company News
We’re excited to announce the addition of three new team members this fall: a software engineer, a customer support specialist, and a writer. We like to think of hiring as…
We’re delighted to announce a big expansion in the Gaia GPS team. Five new people joined over the course of this spring, including two software engineers, two user support reps,…
Create a Team on gaiagps.com to outfit your professional organization with Gaia GPS, including all the maps and benefits of a Premium Membership. Manage team members, pay for the team…
Chris joined Gaia GPS in July 2017 as a part of the Communications Team, to support Gaia GPS users and write articles. He uses Gaia GPS with his offroad…
September brought a number of improvements to gaiagps.com. You can see the full release notes for September on the updates website, and you can also pop over to updates.gaiagps.com anytime…
Gaia GPS version 10.9 for iOS, now available in the App Store. Make snap-to-trail routes from your device, and download maps along the way with an entirely redesigned routing UI.…
With the closing of 2017, the beginning of a new year also brings the next generation of Gaia GPS for Android. The v7.0 update for Gaia GPS includes shared folders…
We’re excited to welcome long-time Gaia GPS user Nick Botner to the team. As the first ever user-interface focused employee at Gaia GPS, Nick ushers in a great transformation for…
Kate Dougherty started working with the Gaia GPS team last year, both on stage, and behind the scenes. As of this week, she’s working full-time as the first Gaia GPS…