The Gaia GPS map catalog now includes full topographic coverage for Victoria and Tasmania as well as for the states of Queensland and New South Wales, and nearby New Zealand.
We’ve just expanded our official topographic coverage of Canada to include the entire nation from coast to coast. Previously, the Canada Topo map layer only included the eastern part of the country. Now, it includes all available digitized quads produced by Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN). The level of detail has also improved, with map tiles hand-selected to include the versions that show the most roads, trails, and manmade structures.
Collected from official government sources, this colorful base map includes roads, trails, landscape surface information, and labels for both manmade and natural features. As such, it’s well-suited to exploring both urban environments and backcountry landscapes.
Combine the best features of the Gaia Topo base map with ESRI world satellite imagery on a single, easy-to-use layer. Ideal for everything from planning backcountry ski tours to scouting…
Volcanic mountain ranges, hot springs, and world-class powder skiing are enough to put Japan on any adventure traveler’s map. Next time you’re considering an international vacation, here are a few…