Quickly upload tracks, routes, waypoints, and areas with one click on gaiagps.com/map. Now when you find a route or file from another website or source, you can import them directly to your Gaia GPS account. Expand your adventures by importing obscure off-road routes, new hikes, or recommended adventures.
Gaia GPS
Get the inside scoop on Justin “Trauma” Lichter’s ground-breaking thru-hike adventures on Out and Back this week. Trauma delves into getting stalked by lions in Africa, hiking 2,000 miles across the Himalayas, and thru-hiking the PCT in winter. He shares his trove of knowledge about international resupply logistics, winter navigation, and finding what it takes to push your own limits.
Find over 300,000 mines, mills, and known mineral deposits with the new Mines and Mineral Resources map. Discover the history of old mining sites, new locations for metal detecting, and handy details about mine and mineral sites across the United States and beyond.
Tune into the Out and Back podcast for a talk with Liz “Snorkel” Thomas about thru-hiking budgets and urban backpacking. As a pro hiker, author, and expert gear reviewer, Snorkel shares her tips on how to cut costs on the trail and unearths the secret costs no one thinks about. The Queen of Urban Hiking also talks about creating and completing thru-hikes through 14 US cities. Tune in to hear about her weirdest trail food cravings, and her favorite thru-hike ever.
Eight outdoor enthusiasts weigh in on their go-to, easy car camping meals. From curried quinoa to steak kebobs, check out these no-hassle recipes that are delicious and easy to clean up.
Find 4×4 roads and points of interest quicker than ever with Gaia Topo’s latest updates. Gaia Topo now displays color-coded points of interest, more 4×4 roads when the map is zoomed out, and larger labels, badges, and contour markers when the map is zoomed in.
Meet Kevin and Sarah McCuiston of Lifestyle Overland in episode 5 of the Out and Back podcast, presented by Gaia GPS. The McCuistons quit the 9-to-5 grind a few years ago to take up a nomadic lifestyle on the backroads in North America. Learn about their transition to full-time overlanding, their tips for traveling long distance with a toddler, and their trusty rig — “Silver,” a Toyota 4Runner towing a Turtleback Trailer. Kevin also talks about his favorite camp meal and Sarah discusses why she has taken over as the primary driver in Lifestyle Overland adventures. Tune in today to learn more about their tips on how to get rolling in the sport of overlanding.
Tune into the Out and Back podcast for a talk with Will “Akuna” Robinson. An army vet and the first Black man to complete the thru-hiking Triple Crown, Akuna shares how hiking helped him recover from PTSD and depression. He opens up about hate he has experienced on social media, how outdoor brands can be better allies to people of color, and how he handles an overwhelming number of media requests during this time of racial reckoning.
Ultralight backpacking trailblazer Adventure Alan Dixon goes beyond the gear lists to recount one of the most harrowing outdoor mishaps of his career. He also talks about the one thing you can leave at home to make your pack lighter, his preference for hiking shorter high routes rather than slaying miles on long-distance trails, and why everyone should get outside today.
Find water sources, identify river crossings, and get a better picture of any landscape with the new US Hydrography map. This new layer points out more rivers, streams, lakes, and wetlands than any other map on Gaia GPS. Level up your favorite maps by pairing them with the US Hydrography layer for more precise and expanded coverage of bodies of water across the United States.