Find over 300,000 mines, mills, and known mineral deposits with the new Mines and Mineral Resources map. Discover the history of old mining sites plus handy details about mine and mineral sites across the United States including Alaska, plus select regions around the world.
The USGS Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS), provides updated data for this new layer available to Premium users. The map displays icons indicating the development state of the mine: prospect, producer, plant, past producer, occurrence, or unknown. Claim boundaries in Alaska that indicate possession and right to develop and extract appear as yellow polygons.

To learn more about a mining, mills, or a deposit site, select the tools icon indicating a location on the map. Details include the name, primary commodity, and development state. After selecting the tool icon, click the information button in the pop up to learn even more through the USGS MRDS.
The Mines and Mineral Resource layer is available to Gaia GPS Premium users. To access the map, visit the layers menu, select “Feature/Weather Overlays,” and then select “Mines and Mineral Resources.”