Topo maps use concentric “contour lines” to show elevation changes, and help people navigate mountains and wilderness areas. The denser the contour lines appear, the steeper the terrain. Topographic maps…
Gaia GPS
I had a chance to log some miles with Ashli on the Appalachian Trail a few weeks ago after we attended the ALDHA annual gathering in Shippensburg, PA. I thought…
We all do it—whip out a phone or tablet at the top of a mountain so we can look back later and remember our hike. On social media, cousin Bob…
Frequent hikers and backpackers know how to cook dehydrated meals, but they can get boring pretty quickly. These 5 delicious treats can launch your backcountry cooking game into the next…
Ruthie Irvin joined the Gaia GPS Adventure Support team in August of 2014, though she did some contract work for the company in 2011. As senior Adventure Support team member,…
This weekend, Ashli and Ruthie ventured out to the Appalachian Long Distance Hikers Association’s (ALDHA) 34th annual event “The Gathering” in Shippensburg, PA. Each year, the event hosts interesting workshops,…
The trail-less wilderness of Denali sprawls over an area equal to the state of Massachusetts. Its taigas and tundras rise up into North America’s tallest peak. In this most wild…
Gaia 10.3.2 for iOS improves compatibility with iOS 9, drops iOS6, and fixes a few bugs. Check out the release notes here, also included in the app when you get the…
Last week, we asked users to talk about their off-trail experiences on this Instagram thread, and to make a contest of it, we offered a free year of GaiaPro to…
Zach first came to Gaia GPS as the primary Adventure Support staffer in early 2014, but more recently switched over to working with the engineering team, doing QA on app…