I’m delighted to share that Apple’s “Your Verse” ad campaign is now featuring Gaia GPS. You can read the story, Elevating the Expedition, in which elite mountain guides Adrian Ballinger…
Gaia GPS
Anyone with GaiaPro can now print maps online, across a range of topo maps, road maps, and aerial imagery. Just tap the “Print” button in the top right corner of…
We had another furious week of work, and we ended it by pushing a new update for Gaia GPS for Android (5.3.3). The version is available now and has several…
As of today, you can use our website to see all public GaiaCloud trails, overlaid on all of our great online topo maps and satellite imagery. The GaiaCloud database has…
Users of the GaiaCloud website may notice the website is a lot faster all of a sudden, particular the Gallery that shows public tracks, and the individual track pages. We…
Update, March 2016: Trimble has discontinued all of their apps as of March 26, 2016. They list Gaia GPS as a recommended replacement for all Trimble and MyTopo apps. At…
The new release of Gaia GPS for Android is packed with new features, but the most important addition is probably a tool that lets you measure distance and create multipoint…
What is everyone doing this weekend? We hope you are getting outside and braving whatever tinge of winter is left! This seems like fun.
If you have been following closely, you have seen us rolling out incremental improvements to www.gaiagps.com over the last few weeks. These include a better home page, a new maps page,…
Big sale today! You can get Gaia GPS at $9.99, which hasn’t been possible on iOS since 2012. On top of that, you can also get a GaiaPro subscription for…