Yesterday, I wrote a blog post about making a game-like translation site, similar to 99Designs, Crowdspring, and StackOverflow. Recently, I have been using Mechanical Turk to get translations done for…
Staff Reports
Recently, I have been using Mechanical Turk to get translations done for our iPhone apps(Gaia GPS and Car Park!). The first time I did this for Gaia, I recruited some…
It seems like Apple is really working hard to get the App Store approval process straightened out. I’m happy to say that Apple approved our most recent releases of Gaia…
Today, our CarPark app went live on the App Store. CarPark may be the easiest way to remember where you parked. This app was developed almost entirely by my co-founder…
Hacker News is like a deity sometimes – ye ask and ye shall receive. A couple of days ago, I had a phone call that convinced me I needed to…
In the course of working on the Haiti app, a friend showed me these two before and after OpenStreetMap maps of the area around the Haiti earthquake. What the crowd…
Here is the link to Gaia GPS (for Haitian Disaster Relief) on iTunes. This app has different maps than the normal version of the app, and it will also center…
When upgrading to Gaia GPS v2.4 from an earlier version, the app may crash at start-up and delete all of your Gaia GPS data. At this point, you will also…
EDIT: Thanks to tons of help from Gaia GPS users and folks on Hacker News, we have most of the European languages done now! See the updated list below. Would…
I was sitting around yesterday working on the v2.2 release of Gaia GPS, when a friend and user of Gaia contacted me. Jeff Johnson, who works on digital mapping professionally…