At Gaia GPS, we eat, sleep, and breathe trails—well, maybe not literally, but pretty close. That’s why we’re rolling out the new Gaia Hike Map, designed to take the guesswork…
Have you ever found yourself scrolling through your Gaia GPS app, searching for that one piece of data you need, only to get lost in a sea of old adventures…
Spy fall foliage from the comfort of your couch and time your leaf peeping just right with the help of a few trusted tools, including two of our special map layers. FreshSat — Recent and FreshSat — Cloud Free give you near-in-time satellite imagery from all over the world, showing you where leaves are blazing the most brightly near you.
Calling all diehard map fans! Do you yearn for the classic topo maps of old? You know, the ones not busied up with excessive colors and silliness when all you…
Don’t let cold feet hold you back. Stay warm and dry with our Snow Depth map. Inspired by a thru-hiker looking to track snow depths along the Pacific Crest Trail with Gaia GPS, the Snow Depth map lets you find snow-free trails from the comfort of your couch.
We realize it’s still winter. But prime campsites for summer are going fast. As you pore over the map scheming up your 2023 adventures, you can snag the campsite of your dreams before it’s too late right from Gaia GPS.
Come for the unparalleled accuracy and detail. Stay for the handwritten guide notes. Here’s how the most trusted and popular recreation maps from National Geographic Trails Illustrated can take your adventures to the next level.
Move over technicolor, black and white is back in style. Meet Gaia Black and White, our brand new, very first all-black-and-white topo map. Whether you’re color vision deficient or want…
Knowing how to read a topographic map is the foundation to any backcountry adventure. Visualize the rise and fall of the land, and “see” the depths of canyons, the location of boggy meadows, and the height and shape of a mountain. Learn how to read topo maps like a pro.
You can now discover backcountry ski zones in Gaia Winter! Complete with worldwide ski resort maps plus trails for Nordic, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, fatbiking, and uphill skiing, your go-to winter map just got some major updates. Check out how it’s even better for your adventures.