Anna and I co-founded Gaia GPS, eventually got married, and we’ve been married for 3 years today. You hear from me the most as spokesperson for the company, but Anna has…
Gaia GPS
In addition to the English versions of the NRCan topos, you can now access French language versions of the maps, too. As with other external map sources, add the French…
I had the opportunity to speak for a couple of minutes about Gaia GPS on an Earth News Journal Podcast recently. You an listen to the clip here. If only…
We get a lot of interesting reports back from people using Gaia GPS in the wild, everything from tracking wolves, to research in Mongolia, to climbing Everest. One email we…
We posted a sweet update to that greatly improves the pages that show Track Details. You can check out an example of a new track page, detailing a trail…
Go look at the Main Map page today, and you will see millions of tracks and POIs representing places you can visit outdoors. Click items on the maps to find…
We released a small Android update that has several tweaks and bug fixes, mostly for the new route-maker. You can download it on the Google Play store. We hope you…
While we are pushing improvements to daily now, I want to spotlight one update that went out today – better file imports. Uploading GPX files on the import page…
We were delighted to get Apple’s newsletter this morning, featuring screenshots of Gaia GPS on top. The newsletter links to the “Elevating the Expedition” verse Apple made to show the…
The most important change in version 8.1 of Gaia GPS for iOS is the new ability to “auto-publish” your tracks. There are many smaller changes that you can read about…