Gaia GPS has joined forces with Outside Inc. to bring you not only the best backcountry navigation tools, but also leading outdoor journalism from our award-winning titles like Outside magazine, BACKPACKER, Trail Runner, SKI, Climbing, and more.
What does this mean as a Gaia GPS user? You can continue to use Gaia GPS just as you are now. Or you can access all the benefits of Gaia GPS Premium and Outside+ in one membership. You have three options to take your adventures to the next level:
Option 1: Gaia GPS Premium

If you just want access to all of Gaia GPS, no problem. A Gaia GPS Premium subscription unlocks the full capabilities of planning, navigating, and recording your adventures.
With a Gaia GPS Premium membership, you get access to our entire map catalog, including National Geographic Trails Illustrated, high resolution satellite imagery, slope angle shading, and USGS maps. Layer maps on top of each other to find free camping, new trails, and to avoid burn zones. Plus, download your maps for offline use so you can always find your way in the backcountry, even when you’re far from cell service.
Option 2: Outside+ (Gaia GPS Premium included)

Enjoy all of the benefits of a Gaia GPS Premium account plus print magazines, books, and exclusive media content all in one Outside+ membership. Outside+ bundles Outside Magazine, Backpacker, and Ski with 30 other leading titles. Outside+ gives members best-in-class storytelling, premium access to OutsideTV, online courses, discounted event access, and print books and magazines. By joining Outside+ you’re also supporting in-depth, independent journalism, as well as helping us to make the best backcountry app for your adventures.
Option 3: Limited Gaia GPS for Free

Plan new routes at home, record your tracks in the field, and check out our flagship worldwide Gaia Topo map with a free Gaia GPS account. To take your maps offline, layer maps together, and add custom map sources, upgrade to Gaia GPS Premium.
Thanks for joining us on this ride! We’re working hard to make Gaia GPS even better for your adventures.