Interested in hunting stats for all game management units and wildlife areas? With Gaia GPS, you now have access to interactive hunting maps with helpful statistics to plan a successful hunt. Pairing the interactive hunting maps with the private and public land overlays will show your hunting unit’s boundaries alongside current landowners within the unit so you can stay on legal ground.
Comprehensive Hunting Stats
The scouting information you always wanted, now at your fingertips — Gaia GPS hunting maps now include the critical information you need to select the right units for all your draw tags and plan your hunts.
The hunting stats can be accessed from basecamp or in the field when you download an offline map of your unit.
Stats include:
- Game Management Unit Name
- Size
- Public Land Percentage
- Covered Game Species
- Land Cover Types
- Open Water Percentage
- Elevation (min, avg, & max)
- Monthly Temperature (min, avg, & max)
- Average Monthly Precipitation Rates

Accessing the New Hunting Stats
Hunting stats come built into the US Hunting Maps available with a Premium Membership in the latest iOS version of Gaia GPS. Following these steps will display the hunting stats for your next hunt:
- Add your state’s hunting overlay to the Layers menu.
Step 1: Open the Layers menu and tap Edit
Step 2: Tap the US Hunting Overlays category
Step 3: Tap the green “+” icon next to the correct overlay for your hunt - From the main Layers menu, drag your hunting overlay to the top position in the Visible section.
- Position the main map over the area you plan to hunt
- Tap any of the game management units to reveal their name
- Tap the Information “i” icon for the game management unit to view the hunting, precipitation, and temperature stats.
- To access the stats for your unit offline, download an offline map for the area you plan to hunt. If you already have offline maps for your hunt, deleting and re-downloading the areas will update your offline maps to include the stats for your hunting unit.
- Add your state’s hunting overlay to the Layers menu.
Share your favorite game management unit or hunting area with the Gaia GPS family by tagging @gaiagpshunting on Instagram or Twitter.