Get a snapshot of the amenities in any recreation area with new symbol groups on Gaia Topo. Now you can view hotspots, including campsites, viewpoints, trailheads, and more in symbol groups, without zooming deeper on the map. Styled after popular outdoor recreation maps, Gaia Topo is the first global topo map to display point of interest symbol groups.
As you scour the map on a broader scale, notice groups of icons displaying essential amenities. For example, campsites, lodging, restrooms, food, and gas symbols appear in clusters, indicating developed recreation areas. This makes it easy to identify the best places to set up camp or stop for a resupply. Alternatively, if you’d rather avoid crowds, plan to steer clear of the developed areas, as indicated by the map.
The point of interest groups provide a clear picture of what amenities exist while zoomed out on the map. Once you identify an area of interest, zoom in closer to see smaller groupings of amenities, or individual amenities by zooming more.
On, you can click on any symbol group to automatically zoom closer and reveal other subgroups of amenities. Continue to click subgroups to fully expand all points of interest. The same function, ‘tap’ to zoom, is coming soon for iOS and Android.
To view symbol groups while you plan, set Gaia Topo as your base map on your Gaia GPS iOS or Android app or on Available to all users, Gaia Topo continues to provide the best tools for planning trips of every nature.