New emoji waypoints are here! Now you can mark your favorite spots on the map with a ❤️, flag that campsite where you saw a 🐻, and add a💧 at every crucial water source along your route. Customize your waypoints in Gaia GPS using the hundreds of emoji symbols available on your phone, tablet, or computer.
It’s always been possible to customize the name and symbols of your waypoints in Gaia GPS. Now the new emoji waypoints give you almost endless possibilities to mark important places on the map. Whether you’re backpacking across the 🏜, hunting 🦌 on public land, camping 🏕 near a river, or skiing ⛷ and biking 🚲 through the mountains, emoji waypoints give you more options to add custom information to your maps.
Use Emoji Symbols to Add Custom Waypoints

Have you ever worked hard to get up to the top of a ridge and have been overcome by the view? Add a 😃 waypoint to the map to remember the joy you felt when you reached the summit. Use the 📷 emoji icon for waypoints in places with great views or to remember where you snapped photos on a trip. Flag weather conditions on the map to document which days you experienced ☔️ or ☀️ on your trip. Use emoji waypoints to mark hazards such as lightning, wind storms, and mountain snow.
How to Get Emoji Waypoints
Emoji waypoints are available to everyone on iOS, Android, and the web at Use emojis to customize waypoints on any map in Gaia GPS. Learn more about adding waypoints to the map in this step-by-step article from the Gaia GPS help center.
Customizing a waypoint with an emoji icon is easy. After adding a waypoint to the map, you can customize its appearance by selecting “Choose icon.” Tap the smiley face emoji in the icon menu to access your device’s emoji library. Search for and tap on the perfect emoji to customize the waypoint. Press “Save” after you’ve added the emoji icon.
You’ll need a Gaia GPS Premium Membership to download your custom waypoints and take them with you offline in places without cell service.