Join us in welcoming seven new members to the Gaia GPS team! This new addition includes members of the support, design, and engineering team. Get to know them and read about their wildest outdoor pursuits, their greatest professional accomplishments and the organizations they support.
new hires
We’re excited to welcome five new team members to Gaia GPS. Arriving with expertise in marketing, software engineering, and operations, this crew rounds out a team of 27 fully remote…
Today, we’re thrilled to introduce you to the seven newest members of the Gaia GPS team. Gaia GPS now includes 22 full-timers working on coding, design, cartography, marketing, and customer…
We’ve just wrapped up a flurry of hiring at Gaia GPS, the biggest and fastest expansion the company has ever seen. We’re delighted to introduce you to six new Gaia GPS team members, all focused on making the software and maps better.