Give the gift of Gaia GPS, and share your love for the outdoors with family and friends. Click the link below to give a Gaia GPS Membership, Premium Membership, or a 5 year membership.
Gaia GPS Membership includes access to more than 57 unique map sources along with unlimited offline map downloads for navigating without cell phone service.
Premium Memberships include all of the Member benefits plus map source stacking capabilities and access to an additional 250 premium map sources and overlays.
Countless different types of adventurers use Gaia GPS—from hikers, hunters, trail runners, cyclists, skiers, kayakers/rafters, horseback riders and off-roaders, to pilots, firefighters, SAR technicians and other emergency responders, too.
If you know anyone that does anything outside, and you think they might benefit from incredibly detailed offline maps, track recording, geotagged photos and more, click here and send them a Gaia GPS membership today.