About half of the people who use Gaia GPS enable the free data sync in the app. We used to call this service “GaiaCloud,” but now we just say the app lets you “sync with gaiagps.com.” This blog post will tell you why and how to sync.
You should sync, because syncing lets you:
- Automatically back up your data
- Use your data on multiple devices, and on gaiagps.com
- Publish and share your trips
- Archive data to save space
Automatically Back Up Your Data
When you get a new device, upgrade, (or drop your phone in a river), it’s great to know you can simply log in to Gaia GPS on your new phone, and sync back all of your data.
And when we say backup, we mean it. Your data exists on your devices, in our live database, and in up-to-the-minute snapshots that we archive. Our backups work, and we’ve had events where our servers go nuts, but we don’t suffer data loss of any kind.
Sync your Data on Multiple Devices
Many people use a combination of iPhones, iPads, Androids, and gaiagps.com. Syncing data makes sharing data between devices simple and pleasant, and it’s really great to be able to plan trips on a big screen (iPad or computer), and then just take the phone or small tablet on the trip.
Publish and share your trips
When you publish a track, others will be able to view your track page and download the GPX file or choose to add it to their online tracks. You can also share your tracks with friends on Facebook and Twitter.
You can do this one track at a time, or even auto-publish all of your tracks as you create them. Tracks you share get a nice webpage with pictures, stats, graphs, comments, and more.
Archive Data to Save Space
Some power users find they have too many maps and and too much data to keep it all on device conveniently.
But when you sync, you can keep a digital copy of all of your tracks, waypoints and maps online, and sync them to your device only when you need them.
If you delete any data from your device, it will automatically archive online, instead of deleting. You can manually toggle the archive settings for each track from your online account. Deleting data from gaiagps.com will also permanently delete it across all devices.
Free to Use
You can create your account from the iOS or Android app, or on gaiagps.com. This is totally free, and separate from GaiaPro, a service that gives additional features and maps for the app and website.
At no cost, you can sync and back up all the data you use in Gaia GPS – trips, routes, imports, photos, maps, waypoints, and even your map source list. You can also use a bunch of great features on gaiagps.com, with or without the app, including the new Trail Finder.
If you don’t use the service, we’re curious why. Send us a note at support@gaiagps.com