A new tool on gaiagps.com allows you to jump to any of your saved items on the map. Similar to the Gaia GPS mobile apps, all of your saved tracks, routes, waypoints, and areas now live in an organized sidebar. Additionally, you can now hide any saved item on your map and find it in the sidebar as well.
Search, Filter, and Sort Saved Items
Now you can skip zooming and scrolling across the map to find a route or waypoint. Click the “folder” icon located along the left edge of the screen, find your item in the sidebar, and click to jump right to the item’s location. There are a few ways you can find your item by using the search, filter, and sort tools.
The search bar allows you to type in keywords to pull up a saved item instantly.
If you’d rather browse a list of saved items, use the filter and sort tools.
The filter tool allows you to control what items are shown in the sidebar by type (route, track, waypoint, or area) and visibility (shown or hidden on the map). Only want to see your tracks in the sidebar? Simply hide all other items by unchecking their boxes in the dropdown list.

Change the order of your items using the sort tool. This allows you to reorder your list of saved items based on time created, time updated, or title in either ascending or descending order.

Hide Waypoints, Tracks, and Routes on the Map
With the new saved items folder, you can also hide items on the map for cleaner map viewing. Preparing for an upcoming trip, printing a map, or have a plethora of waypoints dotting your screen? Use this to declutter your map or organize your data however you like.
To hide an item, first select it on the map and click the “more” button, and click “hide item”. Then, use the filter tool to show all of your “Hidden” items in the saved items sidebar or search for a specific hidden item by name.
You can also control item visibility from the sidebar using the eye icon. Hover over an item in the saved items sidebar and click the eye icon to toggle visibility.
Access the Saved Items Sidebar
Access the Saved Items sidebar by visiting the main map on gaiagps.com and selecting the “folder” icon on the left side of the screen. From here you can use all of the features mentioned in this article to search, filter, sort and hide your saved items.