Whether your ideal afternoon involves casting in riffles or riding rapids, the NatGeo Colorado Fishing & Rivers map layer has everything you need to get out on the water in the state of Colorado.
NatGeo Colorado Fishing & Rivers contains complete coverage of all the wild banks, backcountry access spots, and adjacent lakes and ponds for the Roaring Fork, South Platte, and Blue Rivers. It also covers large sections of the Arkansas, Colorado, and Fryingpan Rivers.
Built with National Geographic’s characteristic attention to detail, accuracy, and smart map design, this layer is a complete picture of not only the river courses themselves, but their banks, recreation areas, access points, and adjacent ponds and lakes. The result is a complete picture of each river ecosystem, and the boating routes within it.
Colorado: A Boater and Angler’s Paradise
In Colorado, Rocky Mountain snowmelt and steep slopes have worked together to forge some of the mightiest rivers in the United States: Seven major rivers, including the Rio Grande, Arkansas and Colorado, all have their headwaters in the Centennial State.
The sheer number and variety of waterways makes Colorado ideal for boaters of all experience levels. Visit river towns like Salida or Buena Vista for a family rafting trip with an experienced guide, or head into Colorado’s deeper canyons and rougher rapids in a kayak or packraft for higher-level adventure.
Colorado’s abundant wilderness areas and protected lands mean all its mighty rivers and fast-flowing mountain streams are not only beautiful to float, but teeming with trout as well. Cast a line, and you’ll find rainbows, browns, brook, cutthroat, and steelhead, as well as kokanee salmon and lake trout.

Map Features for Fishing, Kayaking, Rafting, and Boating Trips
The NatGeo Colorado Fishing & Rivers map includes clearly marked river miles, access points, put-ins, and the names and ratings of rapids, making it easy to locate yourself on the river, share route information, and plan trips. You’ll also find labeled stream gage sites to reference when researching flow rates at potential fishing or boating spots. Land ownership boundaries and recreation sites also make it easy to scout out campsites along the way.

How to Use the NatGeo Colorado Fishing + Rivers Map
The NatGeo Colorado Fishing & Rivers layer is available to web, iOS, and Android users with a Premium Membership. You’ll find the map in the United States category of the map manager. Tap to add it to your Layers menu, and use it as a robust, stand-alone base map for any of the waterways it covers.
Before hitting the water, be sure to review local regulations and guidelines, especially those for decontaminating watercraft. Do your part to protect riparian habitat and help prevent the spread of invasive species in Colorado.

Feature photo courtesy of the Bureau of Land Management, via Flickr, of the Arkansas River outside Buena Vista, Colorado