Gaia GPS now estimates track stats more accurately, and the stats match across the platform, on iOS, Android, and
We say “estimate” because raw GPS data includes precision errors that no amount of science and algorithms can totally correct, but co-founder Anna Johnson has done a lot of research, empirical analysis of data, and experimentation to make Gaia GPS stats estimates reflect reality as much as possible.
Improved and Expanded
In the past, Gaia GPS on iOS had the best statistics calculations, using the most sophisticated methods to throw out erroneous readings and filter streams of data. Users noticed discrepancies between stats reported on iOS and, and even more so between stats on Android and
For this round of work, Anna both improved the stats on iOS, and then made the other parts of the platform calculate stats in the same way. This results in better and more consistent stats everywhere.
Update to Gaia GPS 10.9.2 for iOS, or version 6.6 for Android to get the improved algorithms. You can read the full release notes here:
Feedback Welcome
As noted above, and in our article on the why GPS recordings differ from reality, no algorithm will work perfectly for all data, and also some GPS chips work better than others. Some people will still find that they don’t agree with the stats as reported, when comparing them to values they find on maps, signs, or other GPS programs.
But regardless, we welcome feedback on Gaia GPS stats, and we can continue to analyze more data and find better methods to improve the stats. Email with any questions or comments. If you’d like to report a stats discrepancy, include a link to your track on