Today, Gaia Maps and Gaia Places went on sale in the App Store. These two apps feature a subset of the features of Gaia GPS for a lower price (.99 for Places and 1.99 for Maps). Some folks may prefer these slimmed down apps to Gaia GPS, but the main reason we developed them is for use on the iPod Touch, which doesn’t have a GPS chip.
Gaia Maps basically includes all the mapping functionality from Gaia GPS – offline maps, search, bookmarks, and driving directions. It also has a slightly larger map view, since we don’t need any room for a menu on bottom. Here’s a couple screenshots of Gaia Maps.

Gaia Places is the waypoint search component of Gaia GPS. It also includes a mapview and lets you click waypoints on the map. However, it doesn’t do offline maps, GPS recording, etc. Gaia Places is also essentially a reincarnation of our first app – TrailBehind – and it mimics our website – Here are some screenshots of Gaia Places.

It will be exciting to see how our sales do in the next couple of weeks, and if we get a boost from the cross-marketing of our apps. Coming up next (and in review by Apple right now) are a Lite version of Gaia GPS, and an International version as well. It’s been pretty crazy around our cabin these days – between doing customer service, development, and promotion. Hopefully we’ll get a chance to go hiking again soon 🙂