Get Gaia GPS Lite while you can, because we are about to take it off the App Store. Today, Apple accepted what will likely be our final release for Gaia Lite, and we’re going to give current users a week or two to update before we stop allowing new downloads.
We would love to keep providing this app for free, but people just use it too much, the ads don’t make any money, and we soon won’t be able to tolerate the expense of serving the map tiles. We intended Gaia Lite as a demo of the paid version of our app, but there just aren’t enough restrictions on it’s use, and it ends up being very popular in its own right. In the future, we will consider bringing back Gaia Lite in a more demo-like, restricted way, but for now we’re just going to sunset it and see what happens.
Gaia GPS itself is without a doubt one of the very best apps for backcountry adventures, and we’ll continue to offer a money-back guarantee for anyone who is unsatisfied with the paid app. But the days of Gaia GPS Lite are numbered.