We are excited to announce a new app.
From our partner EarthNC, Marine Charts is a full chart plotter solution that works universally on iPhones, iPads, and iTouches. Whether you are cruising, fishing, or sailing around the ocean, this app will be a lot of fun. Here it is on iTunes.

The app presents full US NOAA marine charts, along with deep weather, tide, and POI info. It leverages the base mapping, routing, and place search software we built for Gaia GPS, heavily customized for a nautical experience.
You can view the maps and data online at EarthNC’s online chart viewer. You can see details about the app’s iPhone Marine Charts on earthnc.com.
I’d love to hear from any Gaia GPS users whose interests span both nautical and terrestrial pursuits. Drop me a line at andrew@gaiagps.com.