Gaia GPS provides the best backcountry maps in the world. (We’re not biased or anything.) Our proprietary Gaia Topo, Gaia Overland, and Gaia Winter maps equip backcountry travelers on foot, wheels, and skis with the information they need to adventure safely and confidently From trails color-coded by activity type to lands shaded by ownership, to amenities to points of interest, these maps have a lot of information packed in them. Honestly, it’s a lot to take in. (In the best way.) That’s where the map legend comes in.
The map legend cracks the code. And now the map legend is even easier to find, decipher, and use.
Meet our brand new interactive map spotlight on Simply click on a symbol and the map lights up, showing you the trails, amenities, or points of interest you’re looking for. Whether you’re searching for a waterfall, an ice cream shop, or a horseback riding trail, the spotlight puts the world at your fingertips.
Find Trails, Campsites, Amenities, and Much More

Gaia Topo, Gaia Overland, and Gaia Winter each contain over 100 icons, symbols, and trail types so you can find new trails, campgrounds, ski resorts, and beyond. Don’t worry, there’s no need to memorize them all! Whether you’re looking for hiking trails, peaks, or hot springs, backcountry skiing, viewpoints, or gas stations, the map legend spotlight will light them up on the map.
How to Use the Map Legend Spotlight
Just head over to on your computer. (Trust us, the big screen is the optimal place for route planning.) Open up Gaia Topo, Gaia Overland, or Gaia Winter. And then click the map legend icon in the bottom right corner. The pop-out will automatically show you the symbols most prominently displayed in the region of the map on your screen. Hover over a symbol, and watch the map come to life.
Zoom in and out and pan around on the map to find other points of interest.
If you just want to look at the good old fashioned map legend, never fear. We have that too. View the entire map legend at once by clicking “View Layer Details” on the bottom of the map legend popout.
Map Spotlight is Available for Everyone on the Web

Anyone with a Gaia GPS account can take advantage of this shiny new feature on their computers at To access our premium maps such as Gaia Overland and Gaia Winter, upgrade to a Gaia GPS Premium or an Outside+ membership.
Gaia GPS Premium or Outside+ gives you access to the entire 300+ map catalog, including high-resolution, world-wide satellite imagery; our suite of National Geographic maps; and specialty maps ranging from historic topos to slope angle shading.With Premium, you can also download maps for offline use so you can find your way—even without cell service. You can layer maps together to reveal even more terrain, weather, and safety features. And you can print custom maps.